If you are attempting to disable/enable options from the mass to adjust tool, you will need to select the "enable display values" or "disable store values". From there you will check the "specific values" box.
When you are selecting the option you will need to select the correct matching words, so it just the exact verbiage on your storefront. There might be some duplicates, but you should be able to notice the difference when selecting the options.
Then you will select the categories for which you wish to apply the changes for then "Submit".
PLEASE READ all of the instructions here and follow the screenshots here. You Must Choose the Second Option of the "Adjust My Artwork TN" for this process to work.
***The "Specific Values" have been moved and now can be found under the Category checkboxes.
Choose a category and the Specific Value will populate.
For example:
You will select the "adjust my artwork" in this case it would be the second option. From there, you will click on the values you would like to enable/disable.