How Do I Get To The Contact Reports?

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log in to your administration panel
  2. Click "Reports" on the left-hand navigation
  3. Select "Contact Report"
  4. Select the Report you want to run and adjust the date range if you feel the need.
  • Contact Login - Shows customers who logged into their profile, where they logged in from, and what items they put into their cart.
  • Abandoned Carts - Shows carts that had items placed but did not follow through with the order.
  • Customer Order Activity Report - Show customer activity on their accounts. Can be adjusted to only show specific customers, such as those inactive for 90 days or those belonging to a specific rep.
  • Profile Verification - This allows you to verify the main email address used by the new signup, including manually verifying the mail or set up a mass verification of emails.
  • Customers/Leads by State - Shows customers and leads by state.
  • Customer Statistics - Displays overall general customer statistics
  • Customer Sales - Displays more detailed information on customer purchases, including date range, money spent weekly/yearly
  • Customer Credit - Shows customers with store credit and the amount they have.
  • Affiliate Program - Displays detailed information on customers who use an affiliate link, including the number of times it has been clicked, when those clicks have converted into an order, etc.
  • How They Heard About Us - Displays detailed information on how the customer discovered your website.
  • Customer Artwork Storage Area - This allows you to view all customer storage areas and see what has been uploaded, as well as make adjustments to it.