Now that you’re done setting up your storefront on PrinterBridge, your next step should be to invite traffic to your website. While there are many different avenues in driving traffic, one of the fastest ways to expose your E-Commerce storefront to customers is through the presence of Social Media.
Having a strong and consistent Social Media presence builds brand awareness, creates lasting relationships, and opens the door to sales opportunities.
As a storefront owner you may want to consider creating social media for your store if you haven’t already done so. Perhaps you wonder which social media channels are most relevant and where to even begin. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Due to the complex nature of setting up social media, we will be walking you through a series of steps. Each week will be posting an article on the next step in setting up a strong social media presence so be sure to look for the link within your weekly emails.
Let’s begin with STEP 1 - Selecting the Right Team Member to be in charge of Social Media
5 important factors to consider when selecting the right team members for this task
Select A Person to Be In Charge
You want to make sure you designate one member within your team to be in charge of your social media at all times. This is an important step in running social media because the right team member will make sure posts go out and within a timely matter. This member can be the person handling all your Marketing & Communication, a member from Creative Team, or anyone who has a smartphone and can use it to make posts.
Consider the Creative Member Within Your Team
Next, social media involves being creative and thinking outside of the norm. The right member would have to come up with content that will inform, educate, or bring value to your business. They may have to come up with creative ways of presenting your store products to a consumer who may be interested in purchasing. This role includes shedding a new light on products that give customers ideas on how they can use it and then pursue them to take action by making a purchase or visiting your website for more information.
Make Sure The Right Member Can Allocate Time to Manage Social Media
Keep in mind, that managing social media involves ongoing attention and adequate amount of time should be considered when choosing the right team member to handle the project. There is a lot of work that goes into posting content on your social media. It involves creating quality content so think of someone who is most tech savvy and knows how to access varies phone/computer applications to make your content look presentable.
Choose Someone You Trust to Make Good Decisions
You want to make sure the person you select can make sound decisions when it comes to representing the company on Social Media. Of course, you can always request to give final approval for posts but when you’re busy running your business you don’t always have time for that.
How About if Your Small Business Doesn’t Have Enough Staff?
As a small business owner you may not have a staff large enough to choose one person for this task alone. If that’s your case then start out by taking this responsibility upon yourself and once it starts to pick up you can pass it down.