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Violations and Search Engine Spam Penalties

1. Thin or Shallow Content

  • This domain-level penalty targets sites with a predominant amount of so-so content and essentially treats it similar to overt spam techniques.
  • Today it’s no longer a question of whether the content is simply relevant but whether it is valuable to the user.

2. Cloaking

  • Rigging your site so that search engines show a completely different version of what humans see.
  • One of the worst things you can do.
  • It is considered a bait and switch and seen as a deliberate attempt to manipulate the search results.

3. Keyword Stuffing

  • Have to go to extremes for this penalty to work.
  • Happens when you overutilize keywords or phrases.

4. Hidden Text

  • Search engines don’t like anything that is hidden. They want to see everything a user sees.
  • Don't hide text, whether it be using styles, fonts, display, none, or any other means that means a typical user can’t see it.


5. Ads/top-heavy layout

  • Page layout algorithm was made to address this.
  • This penalty is reserved for sites that frustrate the user experience by placing an overabundance of ads before content.
  • Don't make users search for content*


6. Paid Links

  • One of Google's major rules is you can’t buy or sell links in a way that passes on search engine ranking credit.

5. Link Spam

  •  Given a lot of weight to negatively affect your SEO